Irritable eye syndrome

Do you know what irritable eye syndrome is?

The eye and intestines have a deep relationship.

Feeling more eye discomfort than people around you against air pollution, wind, dust, and light.
When you go outside, don't wear sunglasses.
Eyes get tired easily, eyes dry and eye drops are indispensable, and eyes often gurgle.

Do you have such symptoms?

I think I can't help getting tired because I always use a computer or smartphone at work.
You might be thinking.

It may be hypersensitive eye syndrome.

1990At the beginning of the year
The aforementioned eye sensitivity symptoms and irritable bowel syndrome (even if examined with an endoscope, there is no abnormality in the intestines)
repeated diarrhea and constipation), as a syndrome with anxiety and depressive symptoms
Irritable eye syndrome(IES)It came to be said.

This pathology is closely related to the intestinal environment.

Various environmental factors (mainly diet and lifestyle) and genetic susceptibility cause abnormalities in the gut ecosystem (dysbiosis). This results in impaired digestion and absorption of essential nutrients, abnormalities in the epithelial barrier, and migration of microorganisms and food particles. Chronic subclinical inflammation may then develop, which can upregulate the neuroimmune system through neural and fluid pathways. The upregulation of the neuroimmune system increases sensitivity to the environment of the eye surface, intestines, and brain, leading to the development of the three signs of IES: irritable eye, irritable gut, and irritable psychia.

In this state, that is,

It can also be called cannabinoid deficiency.

If you want to know more or study, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The intestines are the second brain.

The intestines are the second brain.

The intestines not only digest and absorb food, but also work very importantly. Now some people say that the intestines are the second brain, the no first brain.
Recently, I have also heard the word intestinal beauty.

The inhabitants of our intestines are responsible for the health of the intestines.
That's the gut bacteria.
In the intestines live 1-2 kg of intestinal bacteria.
Its number is more than 1,000, 600 to 1000 trillion bacteria live.
It is said that it is a good fungus, a bad fungus, and an opportunistic fungus by its work.

Gut bacteria are very sensitive to what we say.
No one in modern times has ever given antibiotics when they are sick.
There will be very little.
Antibiotics are not only bacteria that harm us, but also gut bacteria that we need.
It will attack.
Even if you eat food called various junk food
The balance of intestinal bacteria changes.

Gut bacteria produce vitamins, hormones, and immune
It works very importantly for our body.

Dementia, Parkinson's disease, depression, diabetes, etc. are very related to constipation.
Do you know that?

There will be.

日本人の男性は下痢気味、女性は便秘気味というデータがあります。 あなたが普段食べているもの、飲んでいるもの見直してみませんか?

腸内細菌が私たちの性格にも関与しているという話があります。 食事を変えるだけで笑顔が増えるかもしれませんね。

Kangen Water

Would you like to clean your intestines?

The intestine is said to be the second brain.

Have you had the experience of not being able to stop even if you are told that sweet things are not good?
It's not that your intentions are weak, but that you want gut bacteria.

I've been drinking Kangen Water for over a year.
I no longer wanted the chocolate I liked that much.

If the intestinal bacteria change, the preference will also change.

As my friend said, I've been very careful about eating for the past few years.
Or y, the guidance was made a living.

But my bowels remained in bad shape.

Less than a month after it started drinking Kangen Water.
I lost weight and my bowels were in better shape than ever before.

And when I measured the quality of sleep with wearables, it was also getting better.

If the intestines are cleaned, bowels will become normal.
To do so, eat fibrous food so that it is not biased towards meat eating.
It is said variously such as exercising.
However, if you can not take water well, the effect is less than half.

Healthy stools are 70% to 80% hydrated

When the earth was much more beautiful,
We were naturally ingesting weakly alkaline and reducing water.

If you are interested in Kangen Water, please contact us.

Do you drink good water?

Are you drinking water?

"I don't drink water!" I have been told.
I was a patient with Parkinson's syndrome.

Michael J. Fox, star of the film Back to the Future
The disease I'm suffering from is Parkinson's disease.
He became ill while filming this movie series, and later an autobiography called Lucky Man
I'm writing.

Parkinson's patients have been constipated for 10-20 years before symptoms of the disease appeared.
It is said that there are many.

Not only that
Drink less water than originally
There is data to say.

There seem to be a lot of people who are less thirsty.

If you don't drink →, → develop Parkinson's

If you don't drink much water, you will become constipated.
It is said that the poor intestinal environment is an inducement to develop Parkinson's disease.

The body is 70% hydrated.
Water is very important to us.

What kind of water should I drink and how should I drink it?

Unfortunately, natural water such as groundwater, spring water, and river water
In Japan today, there are many things that are contaminated.

The water that you can drink a lot with very peace of mind is good.